Dr Ajaya Kashyap
- Wykształcenie
- lek.
- Grupa zawodowa
- lekarz
- Obszar zainteresowań
- Chirurgia plastyczna i rekonstrukcyjna
- Wyświetleń
- 6340
- Biografia
- Dr. Kashyap practices cutting edge Plastic Surgery including the latest innovations in Minimal Access and Endoscopic Cosmetic Surgery .
Dr. Kashyap performs state-of-the-art laser procedures, power assisted liposuction, short scar mastopexies, and the latest techniques in facial cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, total lower body lifts and body contouring. He also is a leader in reconstructive and hand surgery
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap has been affiliated with Apollo Hospital as a Senior Cosmetic Consultant and is currently with Fortis La Femme Hospital as Chief of Plastic, Reconstructive and Breast Surgery. Dr. Kashyap is India's only double American Board certified surgeon - Diplomat American Board of Plastic Surgery and Diplomat American Board of General Surgery. He recently (May 2005) moved to New Delhi after 16 years of practicing medicine in the U.S.A., spending the last ten years in the Greater Boston area in Massachusetts. He had a very successful private Plastic Surgery practice with staff privileges at Metrowest Medical Center, U-Mass-Memorial Marlborough Hospital, Leonard-Morse Hospital in Natick and Nashoba Valley Medical Center. His wide spectrum of patients came from various parts of the US and abroad. He had an academic appointment as Assistant Professor at University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Kashyap has been the medical director of Aesthetic Center at Metrowest since 2001 and was the attending plastic surgeon at The Wound Clinic in Framingham, Massachusetts.
He is a Fellow of American College of Surgeons (FACS), an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), and an ex-member of Massachusetts Medical Society and American Medical Association.
Dr. Kashyap completed his fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Massachusetts, U.S.A., following completion of a surgical residency at Robert Packer Hospital (Guthrie Clinic), Sayre, Pennsylvania, and Surgical Research at UCLA. Dr. Kashyap has received several distinctive awards for his outstanding research and excellence in academia, including obtaining the highest score nationally (United States) on the annual in-service examination in his final surgical residency year.
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap has done extensive research in the field of surgery and plastic surgery. He has published and presented over 35 research papers nationally (U.S.) and internationally. He has also contributed a book chapter in a leading plastic surgery academic textbook, Plastic Surgery: Indications, Operations, Outcomes, Vol. 2, Mosby, Inc., 2000.
Dr. Kashyap has appeared in several noteworthy news media, including the internationally renowned Discovery Channel and the Boston Globe, Harvard News, Ayer Times, Times of India, Hindustan Times, CNBC, CNN, CNN-IBN.
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