Dermot McNulty
- Wykształcenie
- lek.
- Grupa zawodowa
- lekarz stomatolog
- Obszar zainteresowań
- Implantologia stomatologiczna
- Wyświetleń
- 4682
- Biografia
- Provider of advanced restorative and Dental Implant procedures.
I now have 25 years experience of Dental implant experience in Private Practice in the UK.
Have studied, researched and looked for educational opportunities from the most sought after dental professionals, and developed a practice from these experiences.
Opened the first new Dental practice in Bath for 20 years in 1991 " The Oral Health Centre" on an entirely private basis.
Built and opened " Bath Spa Dentistry" in 2003 dedicated to
" Advanced Restorative and Implant Dentistry"
2004 accepted into Royal College of Surgeons Dental Implant Diploma Programme, completing and passing in 2005, the first Dentist in South West England to have Masters equivalent qualification in dental Implantology
2005 accepted as Tutor and Lecturer in faculty of General Dental Practice implant Diploma.
2007 accepted as cohort director and examiner in Dental Implant Programme.
2007 set up "Bath Spa Training", specifically to train and educate Dental professionals and Dental Care professionals in surgical and dental implant procedures.
Runs variety of educational programmes through Bath Spa Training.
2007 sold Bath Spa Dentistry to James Hull Associates, subsequently becoming Clinical Director of JHA
2013 reacquired Bath Spa Dentistry as independent practice. building with new team of clinicians
2013 commencing Cohort 5 of dental implantology year training programme.
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