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Najnowsze materiały
2. Kongres Chirurgii Minimalnie Inwazyjnej
2. Kongres Chirurgii Minimalnie Inwazyjnej
Klipsowanie tętniaka tętnicy łączącej tylnej
Mikrochirurgiczne klipsowanie tętniaka tętnicy łączącej tylnej, uciskającego nerw okoruchowy pacjenta.
Najlepsze materiały
Klipsowanie tętniaka tętnicy łączącej tylnej
Mikrochirurgiczne klipsowanie tętniaka tętnicy łączącej tylnej, uciskającego nerw okoruchowy pacjenta.
2. Kongres Chirurgii Minimalnie Inwazyjnej
2. Kongres Chirurgii Minimalnie Inwazyjnej
Digital Marketing in Healthcare
Digital Marketing in Healthcare will be taking place in London, UK, on the 26th & 27th October 2016. The two day event will unite senior executives from Pharma...
4th International WATCH Conference
Thank you for your interest in the 4th International WATCH Conference of the WeArable TeChnology in Healthcare (WATCH) Society in exciting Stanford Silicon Valley!...
IFOS 2022 World Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
The Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is thrilled to host IFOS 2022 in Vancouver, Canada June 18-22, 2022. “Globalization of Healthcare”,...
Diabetes UK Professional Conference
Dear Colleagues As Chair of the Professional Conference Organising Committee and on behalf of the Committee and Diabetes UK Conference Team, I have great pleasure...
IFOS Paris 2017 - ENT World Congress
The ENT World Congress to be held in Paris in 2017 constitutes an essential event for the international ENT community, regardless of nationality and type of practice....
European Neuro Convention - London 2018
Europe’s only trade-show dedicated brain and spine experts. The European Neuro Convention is an event dedicated to providing unparalleled expert insight into...
European Oncology Convention - London 2018
Oncology Convention has scoured the globe to bring some of the world’s leading oncologists, surgeons and pain specialists together under one roof. Over two...
FDI Annual World Dental Congress 2016
FDI and its local partners are looking forward to welcoming delegates from all over the world to historic city of Poznań, Poland, for the 2016 FDI Annual World...
1st International Congress on the Multidisciplinary...
Dear Friends, It is our pleasure to invite you to join us in Pisa for the First Multidisciplinary Congress on Pelvic Floor Diseases. This innovative event will...
16th World Congress of Rhinology
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the World Congress of Rhinology which will take place from April...
SIDEX 2017 – Seoul International Dental Exhibition &...
Welcome all of the dental community to SIDEX 2017! Organized by SDA(Seoul Dental Association), SIDEX(Seoul International Dental Exhibition & Scientific Congress)...
2017 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition
Save the date for the 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, which will be held in conjunction with the 46th Annual Meeting of the AADR and the 41st...
Global Congress on Hysteroscopy 2021
Dear friends and colleagues, We are proud to invite you to the 3rd Global Congress on Hysteroscopy (GCH) that, due to the present situation, will be virtual....
2nd Baltic Sea Conference on Orthognathic Surgery and...
BSCOSO is going to be biggest and major event in the region: · 29 invited speakers* from 5 continents; · 40 hours of excellent presentations**;...
FDI World Dental Congress 2017
In 2017, FDI returns to Spain to hold its World Dental Congress (WDC). It is an exciting prospect to be hosted by a founder member and enthusiastic and active supporter...
Procedura biopsji węzła wartownika vs limfadenektomia...
Bogato ilustrowany atlas przedstawia procedurę biopsji węzła wartownika vs limfadenektomia dołu pachowego.
Platforma wymiany doświadczeń. Czyli studenci...
Praca zbiorowa Wydziału Lekarskiego w Zabrzu Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Jednostronny endoskopowy zabieg laminektomii...
Jednostronny endoskopowy zabieg laminektomii i discektomii szyjnej z dostępu tylnego.
Designing a Simulation Program for Polish...
Medical education is rapidly changing and simulation is becoming an integral part of these changes.
Jednostronny, endoskopowy zabieg odcinkowej...
Jednostronny, endoskopowy zabieg odcinkowej sublaminoplastyki w leczeniu zwężeń kanału kręgowego w odcinku lędźwiowym