Manoel Galvao Neto

Manoel Galvao Neto

Grupa zawodowa
Obszar zainteresowań
Chirurgia ogólna
Dr. Manoel Galvao Neto graduated in Medicine at Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in 1989, Bahia, Brazil. 3y residence program in São Paulo (Digestive Surgery and Endoscopy). In 2003 he presented a Master degree thesis at São Paulo University. Board certified Digestive Surgeon by CBCD (1992) and Gastroenterology by FBG (1995).
2001 in São Paulo,act as coordinator of esophageal motility Service at Diagnoses of America laboratory and in the same time worked as researcher and consultant for Alace Biomedica company, developing hardware and software on esophageal manometry and pHmetry which are nowadays leaders in the market. 
2002, he joing Gastro Obesity Center, acting as scientific coordinator . This is probably the most successful case on bariatric surgery in Latin America; more than 8000 bariatric procedures performed. Till now, more than 400 surgeons from Latin America (Brazil included), Portugal, Spain, Japan and India were trained on this models. He developed the endoscopic sub-specialty of “Bariatric Endoscopy” and with book published in Portuguese and Spanish. 
He had pioneering in Brazil capsule endoscopy in 2001; Endoscopic gastric banding retrieval in 2004; Air-filled intragastric balloon implants in 2006; NOTES researches in animals;second world NOTES clinical procedure; first world larger series of transvaginal cholecystectomy; first human transvaginal sleeve gastrectomy procedure. 2008 the group had been dedicating to diabetes surgical treatment, Single Port laparoscopic procedures and the development of LGCP (Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication) as a new bariatric procedure with experience already published. Development of EndoBarrier (endoscopic endoluminal duodenal-jejunal bypass) since “first in man” , being proctor for trials running in Brazil, Chile, Netherlands and US. In 2010 he is participating in a new “first in man” trial of electrical stimulation of lower esophageal sphincter in Chile with Endostim company.

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