Chad Smalley
- Wykształcenie
- lek.
- Grupa zawodowa
- lekarz
- Obszar zainteresowań
- Ortopedia
- Wyświetleń
- 4866
- Biografia
- Dr. Smalley attended University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Medicine, where he was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and graduated with Highest Honors in 2000. A five-year residency in orthopaedics took him to West Virginia University, where he trained at a Level 1 Trauma Center, while serving as chief resident and receiving the Resident Teacher of the Year Award in 2005.
Dr. Smalley is fellowship-trained in knee and shoulder arthroscopy and sports medicine having completed an additional year of training in San Francisco while serving as a team doctor for the San Francisco Giants. It was also in San Francisco where Dr. Smalley received his specialty training in reverse total shoulder replacement, an innovative technique not performed in the Chattanooga region prior to his arrival.
In addition to attending to the needs of his patients and the demands of a full time practice, Dr. Smalley provides regular consulting advice to several of the orthopaedic industry leaders. As a well respected surgeon, he has been asked to be a part of the research and design team for multiple arthroscopic devices and innovative instrumentation for the reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
In the relatively short period of time since he joined Center for Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics, Dr. Smalley has been recruited to be part of an elite team of US fellowship trained arthroscopic specialists. As a result, he maintains multiple international certifications to practice orthopaedic surgery outside of the United States and is involved with several international projects both teaching foreign physicians as well as providing care to the local and expatriate populations abroad.
Dr. Smalley currently serves as Chief of Orthopaedics with Memorial Healthcare System, is a member of the Medical Executive Committee, and sits on the Board of Memorial Mission Surgery Center. He maintains an active seat on the Continuous Quality Improvement Committee of Memorial Healthcare System.
Publikowane materiały
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