
medVC - publikacje, wydarzenia, wykłady

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medVC is a remote collaboration tool for medical professionals allowing real-time audio-video communication and the usage of specialised medical services. It is designed to be installed in operating rooms, conference rooms and doctors’ offices and makes it possible to send multiple High Definition (HD) video streams coming from cameras, microscopes, endoscopes and other medical equipment. The doctors can pause videos, draw on the picture, take snapshots, collaboratively work on DICOM images, record a session or even broadcast it live over the Internet. Furthermore, medVC can transmit stereoscopic (3D) video from surgical robots or 3D endoscopes. All these features make medVC a superb remote collaboration and education tool for medicine.

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  • Filmy 1
  • Obrazy 0
  • Wydarzenia 0
  • Publikacje 0
  • eBooki 0
  • eLearning 0
  • Playlisty 0

Osteotomia Degi - Orthopaedic Live Surgery Broadcast 2019


Specjalizacja:  Ortopedia
wyświetleń: 9318 komentarze: 0

W dniu 12 czerwca br. odbyło się pierwsze transatlantyckie webinarium chirurgiczne w historii, polegające na transmitowaniu na żywo operacji ortopedycznych wykonywanych przez chirurgów z USA, Białorusi...

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