141st Congress of the German Society of Surgery

Organizator: wikonect GmbH
Miejsce: CCL – Congress Center Leipzig and digital, Leipzig, Germany
www: idź
Termin: od: 2024-04-16 do: 2024-04-26
Koszt: Nie określono
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 747

The German Surgeons’ Congress, with about 5,000 visitors each year, is the central forum of the surgery sector in German-speaking countries.

The DCK.digital event, which was successfully introduced in 2021, will also introduce and present the ePosters in the form of “Rapid Communication Sessions” to attendees purely virtually at the upcoming DCK.

You can expect a highly-varied programme from the various disciplines of surgery at the DCK 2024 in the CCL (Congress Center in Leipzig) from 24 to 26 April 2024.

The 141th German Surgeons’ Congress is taking place as a face-to-face congress with some online components. The programme will also be streamed online from selected auditoriums.

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