Zoom Forward Congress on Obesity

Organizator: EASO and IFSO-EC
Miejsce: MECC Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands
www: idź
Termin: od: 2022-05-04 do: 2022-05-07
Koszt: 100 - 725 EUR
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 2739

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are very honored and excited to welcome you to Zoom Forward 22 (4-7 May 2022), the joint congress on obesity of the European Association of the Study of Obesity and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and metabolic disorders-European Chapter.

With an appealing and fully integrated scientific program with lectures by key opinion leaders, teaching workshops, ample room for (new) investigators to present their research findings, and opportunities for site visits to metabolic research facilities at Maastricht University Medical Centre+ (walking distance from the congress center), we hope to see many of you in Maastricht, the Netherlands! Innovations and state-of-the-art science will be highlighted, as well as the challenges that lie ahead of us. For those who are not yet allowed to travel due to COVID-19, this hybrid conference can be followed remotely.

In addition, Maastricht lends itself perfectly to strengthen existing ties and make new contacts during one of the first major live events in Europe after the various lockdowns that we have necessarily experienced over the past two years. Furthermore, as the oldest city of the Netherlands, Maastricht has a rich historical past and a vibrant nightlife.

So, don't hesitate any longer and register for this exciting conference. We cannot wait to welcoming you in Maastricht next Spring!

Gijs Goossens and Ronald Liem
Chairs Zoom Forward 22

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