EdTechX Summit Online

Organizator: EdTechX Europe
Miejsce: Online, Worldwide
www: idź
Termin: od: 2020-05-12 do: 2020-05-13
Koszt: 272 - 409 EUR
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 1827

EdTechX has decided to pivot the format and focus of the 2020 summit. Considering the urgency of the challenges we all face, we have decided to bring forward our event to 12-13 May as a global virtual gathering addressing both the current issues and the aftermath of COVID-19. Our new online event will supersede the live event that was to be held on Thursday 18 June at Tobacco Dock.

The inaugural EdTechX Summit Online will discuss how millions of people have been required to rapidly adapt in light of the COVID-19 outbreak as we collectively experience the biggest online learning experiment in history across both schools and in the workplace.

The virtual EdTechX event will showcase global solutions, innovations, policies and companies that are leading the way within this changing environment. We hope that by curating a series of ideas and connecting you virtually with other members of our worldwide community - we can come together to help further accelerate change across the industry.

Participating in our online EdTechX Summit will offer the opportunity to:

  • Watch keynotes, panel discussions and fireside chats hosted by leading industry experts
  • Our on-demand content library offer attendees immediate access to our 60+ sessions featuring 70+ speakers - all instantly available from 12 May
  • Join in real-time topical conversations and Q & A sessions
  • Coordinate online meetings via EdTechXConnect and leverage our virtual meeting rooms and speed networking tools
  • Connect with attendees, sponsors and speakers before, during and after the event
  • The online EdTechX Summit aims to have as many members of our global network participate in this extremely topical and vital conversation. 

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