9th Annual Marketing and Customer Innovation Europe

Organizator: eyeforpharma
Miejsce: Novotel London West Hotel, One Shortlands, W6 8DR London, United Kingdom
www: idź
Termin: od: 2019-10-15 do: 2019-10-16
Koszt: 2499 - 4199 EUR
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 1251

Align your customer touchpoints to deliver value to your HCPs and patients

Pharma marketers must adopt and master an array of technological innovations to better meet rising expectations. To succeed, you need to unite traditional and digital marketing techniques, collaborate with cross-functional teams to revolutionise your customer journey – and deliver the personalisation your customers expect.

Marketing and Customer Innovation Europe Summit brings you exclusive case studies on delivering superior HCPs and patient experiences, adopting an above-brand culture, and allowing digital transformation to flourish. Benchmark yourselves against the rest of the industry - this is your one-stop-shop for future-proofing your customer journey.

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