16th Annual Patient Summit Europe

Organizator: eyeforpharma
Miejsce: Novotel London West Hotel, One Shortlands, W6 8DR London, United Kingdom
www: idź
Termin: od: 2019-10-15 do: 2019-10-16
Koszt: 2499 - 4199 EUR
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 1368

The power of patient-led design:

Pharma has never spent more on activities that could be grouped under the ‘patient centricity umbrella’ but on the other hand, there’s never been more pressure to prove that this is business critical. This is a case-study packed agenda, covering essential best practice for any leader working to ensure their business is delivering value to patients.

For 2019, we have a practical focus on transforming the whole pipeline - clinical and commercial - demonstrating how patient-led design can reduce cost whilst driving effectiveness and value.

The Patient Summit is the only event you need if you’re looking for hands-on industry examples, the critical success and challenge factors, and the answers to issues ranging from compliance to culture. No more theory, time for action.

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