SAGES 2019

Organizator: SAGES
Miejsce: Baltimore Convention Center, 1 W Pratt St, MD 21201 Baltimore, United States
www: idź
Termin: od: 2019-04-03 do: 2019-04-06
Koszt: 395 - 1385 USD
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 2279

SAGES Mission Statement

The mission of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons is to improve quality patient care through education, research, innovation and leadership, principally in gastrointestinal and endoscopic surgery.

For purposes of this document, minimal access/non-invasive technology and techniques is defined as diagnostic or therapeutic flexible endoscopy, laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic image-guided and energy-assisted modalities and thoracoscopy as they relate to gastrointestinal or abdominal disease.

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