Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision Congress

Organizator: TME
Miejsce: Kröller-Müller Museum, Houtkampweg 6, 6731 AW Otterlo, Netherlands
www: idź
Termin: od: 2017-06-26 do: 2017-06-26
Koszt: Nie określono
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 1652

Transanal TME is a new treatment option, which is expected to revolutionize the surgical treatment of rectal cancer. During TaTME the rectum is dissected transanally according to TME principles with the use of endoscopic instruments, the down to up TME. The advantages are obvious. With the improved visualization of the surgical plains specimen quality is consistently good.
Even though expectations are high currently few center have a large experience and widespread adoption is slow. There are various reasons for the slow implementation of TaTME. New instruments and equipment is necessary which is sometimes difficult due to hard economic times. Second TaTME is considered a relatively difficult procedure with a long learning curve. Further more there are few surgeons with the time and expertise to travel around and teach this new approach. Reports on serious complications might make surgeons doubtful to start with TaTME.
On the other hand, TaTME brought together a new generation of surgeons. Sharing experience and results in an open and honest way. The TaTME worldwide registry is a great example of international cooperation.
TaTME has also resulted in the development of new training methods. Never before was it generally accepted that before starting with TaTME a cadaver course should have be completed. TaTME also resulted in the development of a new and unique app with an online personalized course on TaTME.
We would like to welcome you to a day of TaTME surgery in the beautiful Kröller-Müller Museum in The Netherlands. There will be state of the art lectures on the safe implementation of TaTME with internationally renowned speakers. The conference is organized in cooperation with the COLOR workgroup, AIS Channel, ILAPP SURGERY foundation, International TaTME Registry Collaborative.

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