Digital Pharma China

Organizator: ExL Events
Miejsce: Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre, Shanghai, China
www: idź
Termin: od: 2015-07-16 do: 2015-07-17
Koszt: 1595 - 1895 USD
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 1817

2014 was a landmark year with record growth for ExL Pharma and the Digital Pharma Series™, as evidenced by the resounding success of our events. More than 750 participants attended Digital Pharma East in October, 300+ attended Digital Pharma West in San Francisco in July, and 175+ delegates joined us at the Bayer Pharma HQ in Berlin last March. For 2015 we look forward to hosting our Europe event at Merck Serono in Rome, Italy.

With China slated to become the second-largest pharmaceutical market globally by the end of 2015 and incredible opportunities on the horizon in digital, the Digital Pharma China series has become the must-attend digital marketing event in this region.

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