Doctors 2.0™ & You

Organizator: Doctors 2.0™
Miejsce: Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, 17 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, France
www: idź
Termin: od: 2014-06-05 do: 2014-06-06
Koszt: 550 - 1690 USD
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 2101


The Basil Strategies Team is delighted to prepare this exciting conference series! See the Basil Strategies team page.

What is Doctors 2.0™ & You?

The fourth edition of the must-attend annual healthcare social media conference will take place in Paris; the only international congress devoted to the understanding of how physicians use New Technologies, Web 2.0 tools, Social Media to communicate with other health care professionals, patients, payers, pharmaceutical companies, public agencies…

Who should participate?

Those who decide on and or benefit from e-services to physicians : professional and patient associations, pharmaceutical companies, governments, payors.
Who within these organizations is concerned? Program organizers, strategists, trainers, communicators, marketing professionals and IT specialists.
Contact us for information about CPD credits in your country.

When / Where?

We are expecting you on June 5-6 2014. The conference will take place at Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris.


Doctors 2.0™ & You will again be THE conference on this subject in 2014. You will meet the stars of Web 2.0 and Social Media for Health Care and Medicine. You will get a special look at the impact of the latest technologies on the relation between physicians and patients, colleagues, industry, the public sector. And maybe, just maybe, you might win one of the contest’s prizes.
Meet our Advisory Board

Doctors 2.0™ & You is supported by the combined effort of Basil Strategies and the Advisory Team which include: (Austria) Michaela Endemann, (Canada) Pat Rich, (France) Catherine Cerisey, (Germany) Alex Schachinger, (Greece) Kathi Apostolidis, (Hungary) Berci Mesko, (Israel) Yossi Bahagon, (Italy) Roberto Ascione, Giovanna Marsico, (Netherlands) Janine Budding, Rob Halkes, (Spain) Jorge Juan Fernandez Garcia, Angel Gonzalez, (Switzerland) Franck Schneider (UK) Felix Jackson, Michael Seres (USA) Larry Chu, John Mack, Lawrence Sherman

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