2nd Clinical Case Studies Students' Conference

Organizator: Studenckie Towarzystwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Miejsce: Lublin, Polska
www: idź
Termin: od: 2013-04-20 do: 2013-04-20
Koszt: 80 USD
Program: zobacz
Wyświetleń: 2482

Medical Students' Research Association of the Medical University of Lublin has the pleasure of inviting students and interns for the second conference ‘Clinical Case Studies’.

English is an operative language at the conference.

The registration fee is 80 zl.

The deadline for submitting paper is 5th of April 2013.

The abstract text should include no more than 2000 characters including spaces. The paper may have no more than 5 authors.

The reported case should be unique, rare or unusual. The case should add value to diagnosis or management.

Scientific Comittee consisting of profesors of the Medical University in Lublin will choose 30 the most interresting works that will be presented at the conference (20 papers of Polish students and 10 papers of English Division students) .

Totally there will be 5 awards given by the Comitte and one special audience award.

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